Thursday, February 15, 2007

Recommended Reading

Yesterday I visited my local library, and there I found this excellent book, entitled “The Penguin Book of Etiquette”, by Marion Van Adlerstein. This book gives all the details from how to behave at a Hindu wedding and how to work a formal invitation!

But I was impressed most by what this book said on the front cover.

“Courtesy begins at home and belongs to the everyday just as much as it does to special occasions. It starts with the cradle and lasts for life. There’s a lot more to it than using the right fork and knowing how to address a duchess. It’s being aware of other people, being kind and considerate to them as you’d like them to be to you. Master that and the world is at your feet.” – Marion Van Adlerstein

Those words touched my heart. We can go into the depths and details of etiquette, how to sit up straight and how to eat an artichoke, but if we don’t have the basic essentials, of showing courtesy and kindness to others, everything else will be of no avail. As you continue to grow in the field of etiquette, the other essentials will naturally flow in.

As I continue to post articles, please send in your thoughts, if you have a favorite book or etiquette site you would like to share – send it though, by posting a comment.

Sincerely Yours,


(Photo Courtesy, Penguin Books Australia)

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