Sunday, January 7, 2007


We would like to thank you for visiting our website!

The main purpose of this site is to present information on how to act, speak, and how to have elegance and style.

It is from pure enjoyment, that I have created this site. I enjoy gathering information about etiquette and deportment, and how to have classiness and elegance as a young woman.
This site will present not only how to act, with etiquette but also, the details, for example, how to walk or even the simple ways of leaving your seat and placing your legs! But we will also cover more in depth subject of attending a formal dinner or cocktail party.

With each article will accompany a photo or two to give more explanation on the subject.

Yours sincerely,

I would appreciate your thoughts!
You are welcome to comment on any of the posts.
Thank You.

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